Midbrain Activation

What is Midbrain Activation?
Midbrain activation is a pseudoscientific training method claiming to allow the development of blind vision and to improve memory and concentration. The trick often works by training participants to see through blindfolds to give the illusion that they are reading objects without being able to see.

How do you activate midbrain?
Midbrain (Interbrain) has to be awakened by stimulating a hormonal discharge. In the human body, it is the pituitary gland that regulates the hormone secretions and this function has to be awakened. For this, it is necessary to activate the neighboring Pineal Gland

What are the benefits of midbrain activation?
  • Better focus
  • Increased memory
  • Improved motor skills
  • Better creativity and imagination
  • Self-confidence
  • Greater emotional control
  • Super sensory perception
  • Better sleep

BrainXpert is offering following Midbrain Activation courses-

MidBrain Activation For Kids

The midbrain is the smallest region of the brain that acts as a sort of relay station for auditory and visual information. The midbrain controls many important functions such as the visual and auditory systems as well as eye movement. Portions of the midbrain called the red nucleus and the substantia nigra are involved in the control of body movement. The midbrain, also called the mesencephalon, is a small region of the brain that serves as a relay center for visual, auditory, and motor systems information. The midbrain is located above the brain stem of human beings. it is responsible for the perception of stimuli and the subsequent communication with the right and left hemispheres to process this perceptive information. Typically, as part of the lower brain centres, the mid brain is not subject to an individual’s conscious awareness. • Dr Makoto Shichida who devoted more than 40 years of research into the functioning of the brain, actually uses the term “Interbrain” rather than “Midbrain”. We will keep to the use of the term “Midbrain “ as this has been popularised by recent developments. In the human cerebrum, there is a section called the interbrain that lies between the left and the right hemispheres. It is crucial to awaken this so-called third brain in order to improve the capabilities of the human brain. The interbrain, located at the centre of the cerebrum, links and consolidates the functions of each part of the brain. It also allows the work of each field of the brain to appear onto consciousness. The interbrain acts as a sort of control tower of consciousness and is equipped with highly advanced intelligence. If a person develops his interbrain, he will acquire a memory that will allow him to never forget whatever he has seen or heard once. The interbrain is in charge of controlling the entire human organism including the viscera. The deep human consciousness controls the interbrain. Once you learn how to access the interbrain, you can become a super human. In order to awaken this part of the brain , it is necessary to stimulate a hormonal discharge by sending a special vibration.

After the Course

After The Subconscious Mind Activation training, Midbrain allows the child to use 5 senses more the receptively along with the proper placement of information into the brain. Amplification in cognitive abilities helps the child to become holistic human being.
  • The Visual dominant people are able to SEE the colors and details in a flash card while blindfolded.
  • The Auditory dominant people are able to HEAR the colors and details in a flash card respectively, without use of eyesight.
  • The Touch dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by touching.
  • The Smell dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by smelling.
  • Those who are Taste dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by putting the flash card near to the tongue

Effects & Benefits to Child:

  • Increased Grasping Abilities
  • Easy Revision
  • Improves Concentration level
  • Enhanced level of Memory
  • Emotional Stability
  • Strong Confidence
  • Intellectual confidence and easy relaxation
  • Improves sensory perception

ESP & Photo Graphic Memory Course


  • Memory Power Improvement
  • Brain Power Improvement
  • Concentration Improvement
  • Photographic Memory
A photographic, memory involves being able to recall images, names, words, and numbers with extreme precision. Having a strong memory relies on neuroplasticity of the brain, or the brain's ability to reorganize itself over time by breaking and forming new connections. As some fortunate people are already born with an extremely sharp memory, others struggle to remember what they ate for lunch the day before. To improve photographic memory there are sure things you can do to altogether enhance your capacity to review data. Photographic memory is a term regularly used to depict an individual who appears to be ready to review visual data in awesome point of interest. Generally as a photo solidifies a minute in time, the suggestion for individuals thought to have photographic memory is that they can take mental depictions and afterward review these previews without lapse. This preparation is loaded with imagination and planned in play way system with heaps of fun and pleasure. This has fundamental, medium, development level.

Quantum Speed Reading Course


  • Super speed reading
  • High retention
  • Best for revision
The quantum speed reading is the course of three months. As we all know that reading engages the eyes, ears, mouth, and brain. Anyhow, speed perusing connects with these faculties considerably more than typical perusing on the grounds that you utilize your faculties and mental aptitude much all the more effectively. Speed Reading is the enhancement program which is based on the ultra-fast reading, memorizing & reproducing and hence the student perceives the ability to understand the process of the activation of the image, also, let our psyche to see an unmistakable picture and the methodology of picture simply like the connection of viewing motion pictures.
As the rapid advance of the fluctuations, the activation of the brain image function can able to let you to see the images in your eyes like watching the movies. On the other hand, the length of the impression of instability through an extraordinary ultra-perusing preparing, our brains will have the capacity to bit by bit adjust to thusly of perusing, see the content specifically from the reflected picture seeing, in this manner extraordinarily accelerating the perusing rate.
This course encourage changes in understudies scholastics execution, offset focus, enhances memory force, boosting of the certainty, creative ability, physical well being, enthusiastic remainder & over all learning.

There are four major steps to learn speed read:
  • Visualize
  • Natural vision
  • Relax
  • Daily practice

Visualize : This is again a very important step to do speed reading. Through visualization process, the child visualize the content & able to tell it in his own words. He is able to reiterate the same after visualizing the images & content & than imagine & reproducing the whole story in his own words.

Natural Vision : With regular vision you utilize your entire field of vision (fringe vision) to catch vast pieces of print on a page. You not only see 3 to 12 words per line, but you also see 3 to 8 lines of print at once also.

Relax : Normally, when people concentrate on something they focus their minds on something and become somewhat mentally tense; but with speed reading it is different. To get a maximum understanding of the speed reading, one must be relaxed while concentrating (visualizing). One can get a vibe for this casual feeling in the wake of doing the easygoing perusing activity. When you get a vibe for how to legitimately unwind while envisioning, it will get to be less demanding at whatever point you do velocity perusing.

Daily practice : The significance of every day rehearse can't be disregarded. After numerous velocity perusing classes, one pattern has gotten to be self-evident: Those who hone every day get to be decent at rate perusing; however while the individuals who disregard it don't do great in it. This is a completely new technique for reading book without looking at the pages. It was firstly developed in Japan. It is by all accounts extremely surprising in light of the fact that the greater part of us who adapted just to peruse books by perusing a page at once they can read it by basically flipping the pages. It can likewise be used in a few other imaginative routes for retaining anything. This has Basic, Medium, Advance Level.

Adults Midbrain & Health Energizer Workshop – (15 to 70 years of age)

Enhancing wellness in adults
Most people do not discuss or heed to the tensions and stress of life, unless they have been advised by an expert. Wellness is often ignored as the tryst for bettering the standard of living continues. This exclusive course is intended to help adults between the age of 15 and 70 years, so that they see an increase in the energy levels and circulatory wellness. The spotlight of the entire course is to assist people in releasing stress , where there are a number of different aspects that are covered, including Photographic Memory Training, Midbrain Activation and other energy exercises.

Focus on MidBrain Activation
The midbrain is associated with memory, concentration and everything else that the mind is capable of. The course will help adults in activating their midbrain and establishing a holistic state of mind, which will allow them to think, retain memory and deal with regular life with an enhanced approach.
The course will also shed light on how adults and their thinking vary from the kids, which calls for more dedicated attention for midbrain activation. As compared to kids, adults are much more dependent on their conscious mind, which makes it difficult for them to access the subconscious mind. With midbrain activation, adults will see a clear difference in the way they approach their professional and personal lives.

Mid-Brain Activation Workshop for the Adults
This is a completely dedicated two-day workshop, where we will train adults on how they can interact and engage the subconscious mind, for better use of synergy between conscious and subconscious for daily life activities. The course also empowers a person to reach a holistic state of mind, using Bio-electromagnetic and other kinds of techniques. We will also offer detailed information on practices and other simulations, which will train adults for better sensory and memory skills.

Quick check on the benefits
  • Unexpected increase in brain function for avoiding stress
  • Establishment of holistic state of mind
  • Reaching the realms of the subconscious for better access of metaphysical modality
  • Improvement of instinct, ability to sense, clairvoyance and intuition
  • Development of performance in personal and professional life
  • Better scope for self development and understanding hidden skills
  • Visualize
  • Natural vision
  • Relax
  • Daily practice

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